Upholding democracy: veterans leading the ‘Vet the Vote’ campaign in Arizona

Tucson, AZ — Every election cycle, over 100 government agencies across Arizona work diligently to recruit and train thousands of poll workers and election officials. Despite their efforts, a nationwide […]
Arizona celebrates Independence Day with events honoring veterans

Phoenix, AZ – This Independence Day, Arizona will host several events to honor veterans and celebrate the nation’s freedom. From Tucson to Sierra Vista, communities are coming together to recognize the […]
SAVAHCS announces community engagement events, new initiatives, and volunteer opportunities

Tucson, AZ – The Southern Arizona VA Health Care System (SAVAHCS) is pleased to announce several upcoming events, new initiatives, and volunteer opportunities designed to enhance support and services for Veterans. […]
Prosthetic options expand for women veterans

Washington, DC – The Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) has announced significant advancements in prosthetic care specifically designed for women veterans. Recognizing the unique needs of women, the VA is […]