Have you ever paid for a service only to discover later that it was available for free? Many individuals, including Veterans and their families, have experienced this when using non-government websites that charge fees for services such as filing a student loan application—services that are actually free on official government sites like FAFSA.
These practices, while not necessarily illegal, can take advantage of unsuspecting people, leading to unnecessary expenses. One such predatory practice that particularly affects Veterans and their families involves websites that charge for access to VA forms or materials that are readily available at no cost on the VA’s official website. Not only do these sites charge unnecessary fees, but they may also provide outdated forms, causing further delays as Veterans and their families need to resubmit the correct forms to the VA.
To avoid falling victim to these practices, here are some essential tips:
- Safe Search Engine Practices: When using search engines like Google or Bing, remember that the top search results may be paid advertisements. The first result isn’t always the most accurate or reliable.
- Evaluate the URL: Ensure the website ends in .gov when looking for government-related forms or resources, as this indicates it is an official government site.
- Use Government Site Search Tools: Instead of relying on search engines, use the search functions on government websites. For example, the VA website (www.va.gov) offers a search feature to help Veterans and their families find the correct resources quickly.
- Report Predatory Practices: To protect others, report any suspicious activity or predatory practices you encounter.
It’s important to remember that Veterans and their families should not be charged for materials or assistance with claims, as these services are provided free of charge through the VA and Veteran Service Organizations (VSOs). To better protect yourself, make use of these valuable resources:
- VA Forms: https://www.va.gov/find-forms/
- Government Imposters and Scams: https://www.usa.gov/imposter-scams
- VA’s Accreditation, Discipline, & Fees Program Office: https://www.va.gov/ogc/accreditation.asp
- Report Imposter Websites to the FTC: https://reportfraud.ftc.gov/
Staying informed and vigilant is crucial in protecting yourself and your loved ones from predatory practices.