Tax scam and fraud protection for Veterans: essential tips
Tax scams targeting Veterans have become a year-round issue, with fraud protection essential for preserving valuable benefits. Staying informed about tax scam and fraud protection for Veterans can prevent identity […]
Protect yourself from claims predators when applying for VA benefits
Washington, D.C. — Navigating the VA benefits process can be challenging, and Veterans often seek assistance to ensure they receive the benefits they’ve earned. Unfortunately, not all help is trustworthy—some […]
Rental scams targeting homeless Veterans: VA offers guidance on World Homeless Day
Washington, D.C. — On World Homeless Day, the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) highlights the issue of rental scams for Veterans and the housing challenges they face. These scams […]
Avoiding predatory practices: protect yourself, your pocketbook online.
Have you ever paid for a service only to discover later that it was available for free? Many individuals, including Veterans and their families, have experienced this when using non-government […]
Predatory schools leave vets in debt and unemployable. They’ve had enough
Navy veteran Adam Young’s superhero poster is worth more than his college degree. To him, at least. The poster on his wall depicting the Hulk, Captain America and Iron Man […]
Exposing the stolen valor of 3 Arizona military impostors
To steal valor is to adorn oneself in borrowed laurels of courage. It’s the product of either malice, cowardice or vanity, and generally misses its aim in each of these […]